Length: 12.5 Miles • 3500' gain
August 24, 2024
Ah, yes, Clouds Rest! The spot for 360 degree views of Yosemite Valley, including a front-row seat to the struggling climbers of Half Dome 1000 feet below. For our 2024 fundraiser climb, we geared up and schlepped to Lee Vining to enter Yosemite National Park from the east side to access our Lake Tenaya trailhead. We were excited! Panoramic views of Yosemite? Who wouldn't be!
Enter: the storm. Yes, it was August but lo and behold, snow! Not to mention, we dodged a large rockslide with massive boulders hurling towards us from above as we snaked our way deeper and deeper into the park. We dodged the rocks and came out unscathed, but the large bus in front of us did not have the same fate. At this point it's raining, but we are welcomed into the mountains with quite the spectacle.

The moment we get to the entry gate, snow is coming down on us – there's even enough to make a mini snow-ranger! Complete with hats.

We arrive to the trailhead, we suit up and we're off! At this point, we are completely enclosed in clouds and the possibility of that dreamy panoramic view is not looking good. We push forward anyways through rain and snow, then we arrive to the last push to the top. Clouds, clouds, clouds. Typically, people complain of the extremely sharp and vertical drop-offs on either side of this last section: "acrophobics beware!"... the heavy clouds that surrounded the peak made it impossible to see what was below. We summited with no views. But hey, we had funand raised almost $14,000 for our OUTdoor Access Fund while doing it! Maybe we'll try again next year and hope for no summer snowstorms.
